now more and more students ask pocket money from their parents. but i have my own ways to collect my pocket money as a student, i think it no good asking pocket money from parents. i find that there are many classmates like to have drinks ,such as coco cola,spite . when they drink it,they throw the bottles which are made of plastic here and there. so i pick them up so that i can sell them to get some money. the second way in which i get money is that i save my gift monwy when i get during spring festival.
股票的预期收益率E(Ri)=Rf+β[E(Rm)-Rf]其中:Rf: 无风险收益率——一般用国债收益率来衡量E(Rm):市场投资组合的预期收益率βi: 投资的β值——市场投资组合的β值永远等于1;风险大于平均资产的投资β值大于1,反之小于1;无风险投资β值等于0
Waste management is a big problem for Australia.Australian population continues to grow and we need to use more and more resources and creating more waste.Wastes are substances that have no further use and,if disposed of in land,water or air,can harm humans or the environment.If we don’t do something for the amount of waste that is produced there is a risk that we may run out of room in landfills or even run out of resources,and I conducted the surveys from my friends and neighbours to check how many rubbish
such as …… 主将从现等,来写
六、跪求英语作文 how do you earn money (怎么赚钱)
With the development of the society,there are more and more oppotulity for us to find a job.However,before so many chances,which one will you choose to earn money? For the majority of people especialy the farmers from the countryside,what they usully do is to find a factory in the south area, sign an agreement and work for their employee with money paid every month.But for us students,I think the best way to earn money is work as a tutor which is the easiest way.During the teaching,we can not only make monery,but also go over what we have learned.By doing this,we can accumulate experience which can be used in our study..... 译文:随着社会的发展,我们找到工作的几率越来越大,在如此多的机遇面前,你会选择哪一种方式来赚钱呢? 对于大多数人来说,尤其是那些来自农村的农民,他们通常是在南边地区找到一个工厂,然后签订合同在那里工作,每月领取工资。
![跪求英语作文 how do you earn money (怎么赚钱)](https://i01piccdn.sogoucdn.com/0a1ba66b39975bb5?ta4Hh.jpg)
买空和卖空的道理在期货和股票市场是一样的,在这里我以股票为例子讲解; 1 买空,是说你现在对某支股票看涨,想买入股票但没有钱,所以借钱买入,等涨了后卖出股票还钱给人家. 2 卖空,是说你看跌某支股票,想卖出股票,以获取价差.但你手上没有该股,所以你向你的经纪公司借入该股卖出,待该股价格下跌后你再低价购入该股,还给经纪公司. 3 总结:空表示你现在没有任何东西,而你手上没有任何东西你却想要参与买卖活动,那只能向人家借入.你想买就借钱,想卖就借货.最后在你偿还的时候,是你借什么就还什,且数量相等.借钱就还等金额的钱,借了货就还等数量的货.这是你可以获利的一个基础. 4 就拿上楼的通俗例子来说.你是开米铺的,现在水灾,农产失收,你推测到收产时米价会大涨,所以你想在现在收多些米以期在米价升后卖出,但你现在没有足够的钱去收购米,于是你向银行贷款100万以1块钱的价格收购大米100万斤,两个月后大米果然升为1.5块钱每斤,你卖出全部大米得150万元,还银行贷款100万元(假如忽略利息和费用),那么你就获利50万. 相反,假如今年风调雨顺,你推测农产会丰收,到收产时,大米价格会下跌,现在大米的价格同样是1块钱每斤,你向你的朋友借大米100万斤卖了,那么你可得货款100万元;到两个月后,米价果然下跌为0.5块钱第斤,那么你以0.5元的价格用50万元买进100万斤大米还给你的朋友,那么你自已就余下50万元利润了.