一、财务报表分析 摘要翻译成英文. 不要网络的翻译啊..求帮忙啊....
With the development of market economy and the standardization of enterprise management,analysis of corporate financial statements becomes more and more important in Enterprise Financial Management. If companies want to discover financial problems and business issues in time ,it is demanded that we must make the right decision and judgments according to the data in the financial statements.when we analysize financial statements,we must use different analytical methods and financial data to find problem, then we could provide the right help for stakeholders.Taking Qingdao Haier company for example in this paper, analysizing a financial statement, it isproposed some ideas about the factors affecting and the limitations to Financial statement analysis. 先翻到这儿吧,不急的话等等在帮你翻(非机器翻)。

1总收入 2成本按收益分配 3[贸易] 毛利;
[贸易] 总利润 4营业费用销售 一般性和管理 5[贸易] 营业收益,[贸易] 营业收入 6添加l的收入和开支项目 7支付利息和税款前收益 8税前收益 9所得税 10净收入操作11净收入 12适用于普通股股东净利润

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四、基于因子分析法的上市公司财务状况评价研究 用英语怎么翻译
Based on Factor Analysis Evaluation of financial situation of companies how to use English Translation

报表分析statement analysis更多释义>;
[网络短语]报表分析 statement analysis;
Accounting Report;
Financial Statement Analysis金融报表分析 Financial Portfolio Analysis财务报表分析基础 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
