一、the stock market crash of 1929用英语怎么解释?
展开全部Economic event in the U.S. that precipitated the Great Depression. The U.S. stock market expanded rapidly in the late 1920s and reached a peak in August 1929, when prices began to decline while speculation increased. On October 18 the stock market began to fall precipitously. On the first day of real panic, October 24, known as "Black Thursday," a record 12,894,650 shares were traded. Banks and investment companies bought large blocks of stock to stem the panic, but on October 29, "Black Tuesday," 16 million shares were traded and prices collapsed. The crash began a 10-year economic slump that affected all the Western industrialized countries.

Bear Market (Bear Market) which is also called a Bear Market, prices of the Market. When some investors began to panic and sell a stake in, keep the shorts to wait and see. At this point, the bears is dominant in the market, make more (bullish) a serious shortage of atmosphere, is commonly referred to as a bear market. The operation of the securities market is refers to the overall trend is down, will have a rebound, but a wave of a wave are lower.Bull market is also called overbought markets, refers to the basic trend in market prices continue to rise form when speculators buying securities, demand greater than supply market phenomenon. Long refers to investors in the stock market, the stock price is expected to be bullish, so buying stocks, while at a low price to stock up to a certain price to sell, in order to get balance benefit. In general, people usually keep the stock long-term gains of the stock market is called a bull market. A bull market stock price changes are the main characteristics of a series of in small down.

The stocks dropped.O(∩_∩)O~ 别跌啊,不能跌,都套住了呢!请采纳


xd除权除息 分红和送股赠股,进行的股价摊低ST *st sst ST指特别处理的 涨幅5% *ST退市风险警示 再亏损就可能退市 买这样的股票得小心 退市了就会大幅下跌 不能在主板交易了ST连续两年亏损 *ST连续三年亏 如*ST伊利 不过现在收益好了 又改回来了SST未股改 还亏损的 还有S 指为完成股改 S上石化 大体上就是这样的。

六、医疗挤兑 美股熔断 这两个短语英文怎么翻译?谢谢!
医疗挤兑:medical resources panic squeez 美股熔断Ameican stocks Circuit Breaker

